By Rev. Mark J. Niznik, Pastor and overseer of the program
I’ve been with the children and families who are recipients of our program since 2006. Too often, there is a decline in self-respect resulting from the lack of access to personal hygiene items. Our clients are acutely aware that they need a shower, put on some deodorant, and brush their teeth. They often won’t go anywhere publicly as the world is cruel when it encounters them and judges them as lesser human beings. Our clients aren’t the ones standing on the road with a sign, but instead, the ones you never see, living in the shadows, away from public view. Donations translate into healthier children through the body and oral care. Donations help homeless school children reach their education potential. Donations help keep homeless school children in school and out of trouble. Donations help ensure that homeless school children are fed at least twice per day with a subsidized breakfast and lunch.
Your donation matters!
We find the best prices on purchases for the children. It’s important to remember the need is ongoing as the soap bar, deodorant, and toothpaste shrink. Whether you ship us an online purchase or make an online monetary donation, your considerations and thoughtfulness, and generosity are much appreciated!